The homes we need.

For the community

we love.

Building a Better Westchester-Playa (BaBWP) is an organization of neighbors advocating for local affordable housing and land use decisions that foster racial and socio-economic diversity, environmental sustainability, and greater community well-being.

For Your Information...

Our City’s Planning and Land Use Policy development process is complex and sometimes opaque, making it hard for Westchester-Playa stakeholders to understand what’s going on. These posts aim to improving public access to important general news and information.

Community Plan Update...

Currently LA City Planning is putting the entire Westside—including Westchester-Playa—through a Community Plan Update (CPU) process. When approved by City Council (projected for 2026-2027), the final Westchester-Playa CPU legally memorializes updated land use policy and zoning codes. These posts aim to improve stakeholder access to important CPU news and information.

Local Build Projects...

Given Westchester-Playa’s strategic and desirable location, there are always future building projects in the City Planning pipeline. These posts aim to provide visibility into the Planning process and keep a rolling report on the status of specific projects.