Building a Better Westchester-Playa (BaBWP) is an organization of neighbors advocating for local affordable housing and land use decisions that foster racial and socio-economic diversity, environmental sustainability, and greater community well-being.
Our City’s Planning and Land Use Policy development process is complex and sometimes opaque, making it hard for Westchester-Playa stakeholders to understand what’s going on. These posts aim to improving public access to important general news and information.
Currently LA City Planning is putting the entire Westside—including Westchester-Playa—through a Community Plan Update (CPU) process. When approved by City Council (projected for 2026-2027), the final Westchester-Playa CPU legally memorializes updated land use policy and zoning codes. These posts aim to improve stakeholder access to important CPU news and information.
Given Westchester-Playa’s strategic and desirable location, there are always future building projects in the City Planning pipeline. These posts aim to provide visibility into the Planning process and keep a rolling report on the status of specific projects.
Building a Better Westchester-Playa (BaBWP) is a group of neighbors advocating for local housing and land use decisions that foster racial and socio-economic diversity, environmental sustainability and community well-being.