Building Projects We’re Monitoring

SCAH-LA ED1 Projects Overview

Published Date: 15 DEC 2024


  • Below you’ll see the lobbying assignments given to Beroukhim & Company on behalf of Southern California Affordable Housing-Los Angeles. Reviewing the overhead map below, it’s obvious this developer will have a significant impact on downtown Westchester’s environment.

On the block fronting on Sepulveda, this developer has ED1 plans for parcels 8814 through 8844. On the block facing Sepulveda Eastway, this developer has ED1 plans for parcels 8813 and 8819. (However, we’ve noted Zimas does record a parcel at 8813 with the APN number referenced on the Lobbyist’s list. This needs to be clarified.)

Looking at SCAH-LA’s plans from a macro view, BaBWP would like to see Planning, CD11 and SCAH-LA collaborate to revisit this group of buildings with a master-plan approach. Working to visualize an integrated group of buildings including an overall landscaping plan, pedestrian pass throughs and the like.

We respect the developer has a right approach these parcels as separate projects. However, BaBWP believes it’s in the community’s best interest for all concerned parties to plan for the total impact of these individual ED1 projest—as a group, and as an important element of  Westchester’s downtown environment.

Published Date: 15-DEC-2024