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Planning 101 Resident Protections Draft Ordinance

Here’s a brief explanation directly from LA Planning Dept communications, with a link to the current draft. It extends the lifetime of housing units being administered as “affordable” (from 55  years to 99) and adds some tenant rights related to demo’d buildings they used to live in. For more tutorial information from Planning, here are links to an April 2024 Webinar YouTube recording (in English) and the presentation slide deck from that meeting.

About the Draft Resident Protections Ordinance (CPC-2024-388-CA)

The Resident Protections Ordinance would establish consistent protections for residents citywide and would expand access to new affordable housing for Angelenos. The ordinance would establish longer affordability terms (99 years), and ensure the equitable distribution and quality, including the size, location and amenities, of affordable units. It would also strengthen and expand housing replacement requirements for all housing development projects. Strengthened occupant protections would include a tenant’s right to remain, right to return if demolition does not proceed, right to relocation, and right to return. 


This is where we’re tracking key City meetings as these new ordinances…
Quick overview: LA Planning Dept recently shared this new draft ordinance (with…
Quick overview: LA Planning recently shared this information on this draft ordinance…