Work To Date

Westchester-Playa’s Planning process News & Resources

This introductory post provides background on how the BaBWP team reviewed and compared CPU Draft 2 and 3 Maps. Our final report was delivered to the Planning Department in October, 2024. A download of Building a Better Westchester-Playa’s presentation to Planning is available here:

BaBWP CPU Draft 2 vs 3 Map Analysis _Combined Reports for Planning Mtg_2024-10-23

To set the context for our findings and recommendations, our first concern is incorporating more affordable housing in our community. This is our response to several factors.

Housing social justice.

Fundamentally, we don’t believe Westchester-Playa is at its best as a community if the result of this Community Plan Update cycle is to memorialize the high home prices and rent rates by shutting out affordable housing.
This inherently keeps the “us vs them” class divide on the Westside going.
It results in everyone working for modest wages in our community—day care workers, wait staff, LAX employees—to continue long commutes from many other places throughout LA County.
And it forces young adults who grew up here—and their young families—out to seek housing elsewhere.

Doing our fair share.

Los Angeles is the most housing-pressured city in the country. Hence, the new housing target the State of California now requires us to reach.
While we can argue if the number is accurate or fair, the fact is we have to hit it.
We believe it’s far better for each community in the city to take on a modest amount of this new housing load, rather than doing what LA has always done: keeping density in lower income areas.

Making sure we leverage our transit access points.

In this CPU cycle, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to use zoning to get creative about how get a win-win.
Meaning, allowing for very modest density restricted to areas around arterials.
Plus finding ways to work housing in near the Metro station, while respecting the industrial character of that area.

That said, here’s the table of contents for the BaBWP report. Subsequent posts will deal individually with each topic listed.



This introductory post provides background on how the BaBWP team reviewed and…
Our map change recommendations for the west end of Manchester (btwn Pershing…